Saturday 13 June 2015

Assalamualaikum, okay, lets get this done quickly.

This is the first time I share my thoughts on Blog. It was awkward writing on this type of media social. You don't know how much I type and then backspace. Well believe it, I've backspaced like 4 million times! I'm just kidding. Well lets talk about bloggers stuff. 

Why does everyone even make a blog? Well of course there are so many things that you can do and you can gain @ Blog such as.. I don't know.., maybe you can share your experience? or maybe you can promote your stuff.. Business things I mean.. 

But there's also thing like "followers-gaining" method?? You know when people posted about hot issues happening in local or even global?? Yeah, they totally used that method well. But some people will actually believe in that, some people would judge, yeah talking the debate competition, but there's also people just like WTF are you talking about!!

Haha, actually I don't prepare nothing at all ! I just accidentally clicked on this ! I hope my next thoughts are suit to you guys! Love you !